Some details could make a restoration just perfect: who does remember those decals with the lubricants specifications placed under the bonnet? Nowadays they are gone. That's why we decided to reproduce them.
This document is written in Italian, you can have a hint about its content by using Google Translator and loading the PDF file.
If you'd like to have a proper translation in English write to and we'll do our best to do it.
You can find a list of the articles translated in English here.
Models: 2000/2500 MK1 / 2000/2500 MK2 / GT6 MKI / GT6 MKII / Herald 948 / Herald 1200 e 12/50 / Herald 13/60 / Roadster TR4 / Spitfire 4 / Spitfire MKII / Spitfire MKIII
Keywords: Ducati Meccanica / DIY / Logo / Lubrication / Advertising
The secret of happyness is made of just a few things: a car, a road and a destination. But the good ones. A GT6, the roads which climb the Appennini mountains from the Padana lowland and the castles in the provinces of Parma and PIacenza are definitely good, beyond any reasonable doubt.
You can find a list of the articles translated in English here.
Models: GT6 MKII
Keywords: Ducati Meccanica / Giovanni Michelotti / Travels
This article on Triumph in Italy tells about a car which, in Italy, was more than rare. When you came across an Italian 2500 PI cases were due: either the owner was a great Triumph fan or he had not been able to say no to the seller who had managed to convince him signing the purchase contract.
This document is written in Italian, you can have a hint about its content by using Google Translator and loading the PDF file.
If you'd like to have a proper translation in English write to and we'll do our best to do it.
You can find a list of the articles translated in English here.
Models: 2000/2500 MK2
Keywords: Ducati Meccanica
Some 'Italian' Triumphs shows the badge of the Ducati Meccanica on the trunk, arousing the curiosity of those who admire them and giving rise to urban legends about the assemblies of vehicles that might have taken place in Italy. The collaboration between the two companies is one of the many results achieved by Giuseppe Montano, a key figure in the history of Ducati and, consequently, of the Italian industry and motorsport.
This document is written in Italian, you can have a hint about its content by using Google Translator and loading the PDF file.
If you'd like to have a proper translation in English write to and we'll do our best to do it.
You can find a list of the articles translated in English here.
Models: 2000/2500 MK1 / GT6 MKI / GT6 MKII / Herald 948 / Herald 1200 e 12/50 / Roadster TR4 / Spitfire 4 / Spitfire MKII / Spitfire MKIII / Vitesse 1600
Keywords: Ducati Meccanica