Triumph in Italy
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Articles | Restorations
Ducati Meccanica badge: reproduction
Among the particularities of the Triumphs sold in the ‘60s in Italy there is the “Ducati Meccanica” badge, witness of the time when the brand from Borgo Panigale, then led by Giuseppe Montano, was the Italian distributor of the Triumph cars. I have reproduced this badge, today impossible to find. In this article I tell you how.
Articles | Restorations
Courage to dare (second part)
The restoration work of Carlo’s red Sptifire is completed. Indeed this is not the end of an adventure that Carlo has shared with us, but the beginning of many others. As the Italian poet Gabriele d'Annunzio said: "memento audere semper" ("remind: dare, always")!
Articles | Events
1° Jolly Roger Grand Prix
Saturday, October 17th. A track day organized by Scuderia Britannia guaranteed fun for every enthusiasts.
Books | History
The Illustrated History of Triumph Sports and Racing Cars
There are many books abuout Triumph, provided that the research is extended to those written in English. In addition to its home country, where it was a generalist builder like many others, Canley's house historically was relevant in the United States which absorbed up to 80% of its production. The spread of Triumph models, also driven by success in American competitions, led over the years to the birth of a multitude of enthusiasts' clubs and books. This volume comes from the States and G. Will...
Models | Herald
Herald 948
Disegnata in tutte le sue quattro versioni (Saloon, Coupè, Cabriolet e Estate-Van) da Giovanni Michelotti nell'arco di una sola notte sotto gli occhi di Herry Webster, la Herald rappresentò una pietra miliare nella storia della Standard Triumph. Sebbene non fosse veloce e ben rifinita come si sarebbe voluto e desiderato, la Herald fu un grande successo; esteticamente "diversa" dalla concorrenza, economica, robusta, tecnicamente all'avanguardia, dotata di grande manovrabilità ed affidabilità, f...
Documents | Manuals
Dolomite Sprint. Manuale per le riparazioni (8/8) (1973)
The Dolomite Sprint workshop manual. This part includes:
- Electrical
- Instruments
- Special tools