Articles | Restorations

Brackets for additional headlights

Fog lights and extra beam lights are a rather common optional on classic cars where they have a aesthetic - thanks to the reference to the rally cars - more than practical application. If you are planning to do it on your Spitfire Mk3 (or GT6 Mk2), bear in mind that it's not necessary to make a hole on the bumper or build a complex support.

This document is written in Italian, you can have a hint about its content by using Google Translator and loading the PDF file. If you'd like to have a proper translation in English write to and we'll do our best to do it.
You can find a list of the articles translated in English here.

Models: GT6 MKII / Spitfire MKIII

Keywords: DIY / Electrical system

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Articles | Restorations

Horns restoration

Driving a classic car in the traffic is not always pleasant, its small size nearly disappears compared to the modern vehicles, also due to the car market increasingly moved towards useless and bulky SUVs. Getting noticed in case of need, therefore, is very important and the main tool to do it is the horn. In this article we will show you that the restoriation of a soundless or no longer working horn is an easy job.

This document is written in Italian, you can have a hint about its content by using Google Translator and loading the PDF file. If you'd like to have a proper translation in English write to and we'll do our best to do it.
You can find a list of the articles translated in English here.

Models: GT6 MKI / GT6 MKII / GT6 MKIII / Spitfire 4 / Spitfire MKII / Spitfire MKIII / Spitfire MKIV / Spitfire 1500

Keywords: DIY

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Articles | Biographies

Giuseppe Montano, the man of Ducati rebirth

Some 'Italian' Triumphs shows the badge of the Ducati Meccanica on the trunk, arousing the curiosity of those who admire them and giving rise to urban legends about the assemblies of vehicles that might have taken place in Italy. The collaboration between the two companies is one of the many results achieved by Giuseppe Montano, a key figure in the history of Ducati and, consequently, of the Italian industry and motorsport.

This document is written in Italian, you can have a hint about its content by using Google Translator and loading the PDF file. If you'd like to have a proper translation in English write to and we'll do our best to do it.
You can find a list of the articles translated in English here.

Models: 2000/2500 MK1 / GT6 MKI / GT6 MKII / Herald 948 / Herald 1200 e 12/50 / Roadster TR4 / Spitfire 4 / Spitfire MKII / Spitfire MKIII / Vitesse 1600

Keywords: Ducati Meccanica

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