The Dolomite Sprint workshop manual. This part includes:
- General data
- Engine regulation
- Torques
- Suggested lubricants, gasoline and fluids. Refills.
- Maintenance hints
Language: | Italian |
Year: | 1973 |
Models: Dolomite Sprint
Keywords: Tightening torques / Lubrication / Workshop manual / Technical specifications
The Dolomite Sprint workshop manual. This part includes:
- Engine
Language: | Italian |
Year: | 1973 |
Models: Dolomite Sprint
Keywords: Workshop manual / Engine
The Dolomite Sprint workshop manual. This part includes:
- Fuel system
- Cooling system
- Exhausts
Language: | Italian |
Year: | 1973 |
Models: Dolomite Sprint
Keywords: Workshop manual / Cooling system / Exhaust
The Dolomite Sprint workshop manual. This part includes:
- Synchronized gearbox
- Overdrive
- Automatic transmission
Language: | Italian |
Year: | 1973 |
Models: Dolomite Sprint
Keywords: Gear / Workshop manual / Overdrive / Transmission