A treasure hunt!
Articles | History and culture

A treasure hunt!

In the mid-70s British Leyland commissioned the creation of a Spitfire sales brochure to be set in Italy. The result is a fine example of advertising that left some unanswered questions and the opportunity for a treasure hunt in the Tuscan hills.

This document is written in Italian, you can have a hint about its content by using Google Translator and loading the PDF file. If you'd like to have a proper translation in English write to redazione@triumphinitaly.it and we'll do our best to do it.
You can find a list of the articles translated in English here.

Models: Spitfire 1500

Keywords: Advertising / Travels

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Build your own windstopper for Spitfire MkIV/1500
Articles | Technical and tuning

Build your own windstopper for Spitfire MkIV/1500

A windstopper is an useful option which allows us to drive our roadster when the weather is not really warm. Let's build one by ourselves and with a reasonable cost.

This document is written in Italian, you can have a hint about its content by using Google Translator and loading the PDF file. If you'd like to have a proper translation in English write to redazione@triumphinitaly.it and we'll do our best to do it.
You can find a list of the articles translated in English here.

Models: Spitfire MKIV / Spitfire 1500

Keywords: Accessories / DIY

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Crayford Engineering TR7 Tracer: the sporting Triumph that failed to make the grade
Articles | History and culture

Crayford Engineering TR7 Tracer: the sporting Triumph that failed to make the grade

Crayford Engineering sought to produce an interesting variation on the TR7 theme, and ended up hatching out this little beauty. Now restored and owned by Chris Turner, the Chairman of the TR Drivers Club, it made its show debut at the Practical Classics R

This document is written in Italian, you can have a hint about its content by using Google Translator and loading the PDF file. If you'd like to have a proper translation in English write to redazione@triumphinitaly.it and we'll do our best to do it.
You can find a list of the articles translated in English here.

Models: Roadster TR7 / Roadster TR7 Sprint / Roadster TR8

Keywords: Converters

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From the Appennini to the Atlantic Ocean
Articles | Travels

From the Appennini to the Atlantic Ocean

He is Stefano and she is Spitty. He is a retired man with a passion for cars and motorbikes, she is a 1974 Triumph Spitfire MkIV. This is the story of their journey from the hills near Piacenza to the Atlantic coast in Portugal.

This document is written in Italian, you can have a hint about its content by using Google Translator and loading the PDF file. If you'd like to have a proper translation in English write to redazione@triumphinitaly.it and we'll do our best to do it.
You can find a list of the articles translated in English here.

Models: Spitfire MKIV

Keywords: Travels

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