A brief review of the second edition of the classic car show held in Verona.
This document is written in Italian, you can have a hint about its content by using Google Translator and loading the PDF file.
If you'd like to have a proper translation in English write to redazione@triumphinitaly.it and we'll do our best to do it.
You can find a list of the articles translated in English here.
Models: All
Keywords: Auto show
The ASI (Automotoclub Storico Italiano) was born in Bardolino in 1966 from the union of two clubs, the VCC from Turin and the FIAME from Milan. After 50 years, more than 150 cars and motorbikes met in Bardolino again to celebrate this prestigious anniversary.
This document is written in Italian, you can have a hint about its content by using Google Translator and loading the PDF file.
If you'd like to have a proper translation in English write to redazione@triumphinitaly.it and we'll do our best to do it.
You can find a list of the articles translated in English here.
Models: All
Keywords: Auto show
The story of the Herald is among the least known, although it's very fascinating. The Herald is a milestone in the history of Standard Triumph: it was the first production car designed by Giovanni Michelotti for the British company and marked the farewell, from the commercial point of view, of the brand "Standard" in favor of the "Triumph" name, now more attractive on the sales market. The Herald was born in one of the most complicated periods for the Standard Motor Company and its solutions influenced the whole production of the sixties: without the Herald and its commercial success, we wouldn't have had the Spitfire and GT6 and the fate of the Standard Triumph would have been at risk. In Italy the Herald hadn’t a large sales volume and after more than fifty years it’s still a little known an underrated car, unlike what happens in Anglo-Saxon countries where it's very appreciated for its particular drawing and for historical value. In this article we tell the complex story of his birth.
This document is written in Italian, you can have a hint about its content by using Google Translator and loading the PDF file.
If you'd like to have a proper translation in English write to redazione@triumphinitaly.it and we'll do our best to do it.
You can find a list of the articles translated in English here.
Models: Herald 948 / Herald 1200 e 12/50 / Herald 13/60
Keywords: Alfredo Vignale / Alick Dick / Arthur Ballard / Canley / George Turnbull / Giovanni Michelotti / Harry Webster / Auto show / Walter Belgrove
Short report from the 34th edition of the biggest classic cars exhibition in Italy.
This document is written in Italian, you can have a hint about its content by using Google Translator and loading the PDF file.
If you'd like to have a proper translation in English write to redazione@triumphinitaly.it and we'll do our best to do it.
You can find a list of the articles translated in English here.
Models: All
Keywords: Auto show